Selecting A Counselor

What are appropriate questions to ask when looking for a therapist? It is important to work with someone you trust, as well as someone, you feel you “click” with. Since therapy is one of the most important experiences in your life, it is imperative that the relationship with the therapist feels safe and comfortable. Some important questions to ask are:

1. What are the therapist’s credentials?

2. What is the therapist’s training and expertise in this field?

3. How many years of experience has the therapist had?

4. What is the therapist’s approach to therapy, i.e. what is his/her theoretical framework and philosophy?

5. Does the therapist believe in medication, and if so, whom does she/he use for referrals?

6. What are the limits of confidentiality with the therapist and does the client understand what is confidential, what is not confidential, and when the therapist has a duty to disclose information?

7. Does the therapist accept your insurance, and if so, what are the arrangements for payment, copays, etc.?

8. What are the therapist’s fees and policies regarding phone calls, cancelled appointments, number of sessions per week, vacations, length of a session, crisis management, and expected duration of therapy?

9. What adjunctive therapies does the therapist utilize, i.e. referrals for group therapy, art therapy, bodywork, spirituality, nutrition, etc.? And does the therapist have a list of referrals?

10. What are therapeutic boundaries? This means understanding that touch, sexual relationships, social visits, and friendship outside the therapeutic relationship are prohibited.

11. What are therapist’s goals for you?

12. Does the therapist expect you to have goals, and/or do homework?